''If You Can Copy And Paste,

Then You Can Create Your Own 'Ultimate Profit Shelter'

Get Instant Access To Done For You Templates, Frameworks And Scripts From The Hands-On Experience Of Professional Copywriters To Launch Your First Or Next Sales Funnel... Almost Free''

Just Edit The Copy And Go!

Included Are Facebook Ad Scripts, Landing Page Designs, Lead Magnet , Sales Training, Graphic Templates And Swipe Files...

Done For You And Ready To Use - Just Edit The Copy And Go!


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Fast Forward The Time Needed To Take Your Ideas, Products Or Services Into The Market

With 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Get Targeted Prospects From Facebook Ads

Ultimate Profit Shelter™ is focused on getting you high quality visitors in the cheapest and most cost effective way possible.

This secret method is lead generation... a simple term that was coined by Dan Kennedy, one of the most brilliant marketing masters on the planet

We give you over 4 proven Facebook lead generation ad script you can easily swipe with your own words to attract targeted leads from social media ... regardless of your product or service

The Ultmate Profit Shelter™ is focused on getting you quality customers in the and most cost effective way possible.

We use lead generation... a simple term that was coined by Dan Kennedy on of the most brilliant marketing masters

We give you over 4 proven Facebook lead generation ad script you can easily swipe with your own words to suck in targeted leads from social media ... regardless of your product or service

Page Title

Step 2: Convert Those Visitors Into Contacts With Our Done For You Landing Page Templates

Using Our Landing Pages Takes Out All The Guess work And Shows You What You Need To Get Their Contact Information And Help Build Your Army Of Subscribers (Available For Both Whatsapp And Email Leads)

Page Title
Step 2: Convert Those Visitors Into Contacts With Our Done For You Landing Page Templates

Using Our Landing Pages Takes Out All The Guess work And Shows You What You Need To Get Their Contact Information And Help Build Your Army Of Subscribers (Available For Both Whatsapp And Email Leads)

Step 3: Sell Them Stuff

Regardless Of How Much Value You Add Or How Cute Your Offer Is
Nothing Counts Until The Sale Is Made - Send Them To Our Pre-Build Funnels With Pre- Written Instructions And Convert Those New Leads Into Customers

A Few Things To Expect When You Start Using Our Ultimate Profit Shelter

The only thing that matters is how much profit you make and how happy you make your customers

All the training courses, programs and seminars you’ve attended, you did it for this reason

Sometimes it could take you months , or even years to get there, but if you get to a point in your business where you make more than you invest, your customers are happy – and you do this consistently 

Then you can automate your business and enjoy free time doing other things you love… The Ultimate profit shelter helps you get there – fast

We both know the most important thing for the average man is result, if you deliver more result to him than what he pays for, you can increase your price and he would still pay for it 

With the templates included in the ultimate profit shelter, you can easily test different price point to see which makes you the most sales 

If you desire, you may wish to create more products to sell with the profits you make, you can also become an affiliate and sell other people’s product for a commission 

Or even help other people grow their business with our done for you  templates. You will save at least $100 to $800 simply by using the handy templates shown below

some of our pre-made sales pages

you can start using right away...

Quick Sale, Low Ticket Info Product

This is perfect for leads as well as low ticket sales , you can use this right out of the box.

To sell your ebook, webinar recording or even your low ticket WhatsApp training

Hero's Journey Long Form Story Based Landing Page

This is perfect for bonding and creating powerful emotional connection while you sell

You can use this if you have an amazing story of how you discovered your product or use your customers testimonials as a case study then transition into our offer

Or just pick up a case study from an affiliate product and use it to drive them into your sales process

Stories are one of the most effective ways to sell literary anything

Ice-Breaker Opt-in Page

Specifically for turning visitors from social media into contacts that you own Instructions are simple, just put up an ad on Facebook or WhatsApp, download this template, send people here and collect your new contacts

Direct Pitch Ecommerce Offer Page

No fluff, or b.s here this helps you go straight to the point. You have a product, you know it's valuable and you want to sell it PERIOD This template not only gives you the design to use but also walks you through a simple structure to pitch your e-commerce product

And Much More...

All The Pre-Built Templates, Pre-Written Copy Scripts Including Instructional Videos Are Created Specifically To Get You Results

But wait! there’s more….

That’s a big statement, and something you’ll rarely hear anyone talk about;

If you know something about marketing, you may have heard of lead generation or the 80/20 principle

Very few people understand why it works 

Here’s why

Take an internet campaign for example; if you try to sell direct on facebook ads, you’d convert maybe 1-7% cold traffic (complete strangers) 

If you use a bait or a lead magnet, you can get as high as 10-50% quality strangers giving you their contact information

This allows you to add value upfront and sell them something in future

Now… come closer, here is where it get’s interesting

If you use a bad lead magnet, or your lead magnet attracts bad leads, you can still get a good size of people to give you contact information – but very few will buy 

Why? Negative feedback

Think about it like this, it’s kind of what happens when a 15 year old boy takes his first drink of mc dowells and enjoys it, he continues for a while then thirty years and 9,000 bottles later he’s an alcoholic – negative feedback

Another 17 year old girl has a passion for counselling , she’s close to her uncle and she finds out her he’s having serious trouble with his marriage

So she talks to his wife, gives an amazing speech and in the next they becomes fond of each other and she stops a divorce from happening, her uncle comes back – while in tears gives her a heart melting compliment… 20 years later she’s one of the worlds best relationship coach –  positive feedback

Same reason why a good lead generation campaign will not only amplify your conversion rates but attract customers ready to stay with you far longer than an average promotion

Same reason why selling is like seduction and giving value before asking for a sale could make an even average sales letter convert well

You don’t need to settle for common results

Your ability to find these hidden points in your business, amplify and direct them to get customers shows how much profit you can make – and i show you how to do it using the ultimate profit shelter

But I must warn you, profit shelters are not for everyone, if your business is not ready for it or your product is not good enough it’ll only help you fail faster

On page 2 inside your quick start guide there is a formula that shows you How to find out if your business is ready for maximum sales and a simply way to fix your business before using profit activators

 You might wonder how others have effectively used this system, some of the templates we included are inspired from business doing over 6 figures across different niches and it has been carefully swiped using a proven system for

  • Content creators
  • Coaches
  • Ecommerce product sellers
  • Service businesses owners
  • Enterpreneurs

It works well for the big guys who want to improve their speed as well as those just starting up with little experience – it’s very beginner friendly

When You Get Your Copy Of The
ultimate profit shelter

You'd also get all these bonuses for free

Bonus #1: Sales detective mind control blueprint

'How To Ethically Manipulate People Emotions And Use It To Sell Your Products'

Worth: ₦6,997

One of the best copywriters in the world was gary halbert, and he asked a question during his expensive seminar

If you and I were giving a restaurant and the challenge was to bring in customers what you’d you need in order to beat me

Some talked about the quality of food, good staff, good location

He replyed them with a very strong answer

”The only thing i’ll need to beat all of you is a starving crowd

This blueprint will help you know exactly how to uncover the desires of your market, clarify your message and use that information to ethically manipulate their emotions thereby creating for you your own starving

I gave this book to a few enterpreneurs some months ago and a student generated over 100,000 naira in 3 days

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of 'The Ultimate Profit Shelter' Today!

Bonus #2: The Crowd Magnet Framework + Swipe file

'' The Crowd Magnet Framework + Swipe File''

Worth: ₦15,997

You may have been told by gurus to grow your list, increase your subscribers you might have even taken courses on that

This is different, it’s two fast action training (under 50 minutes) plus a swipe file to quickly deploy what you learned with specific instructions on how to use it

We developed this framework after studying over 27 tested lead generation ads that pulled in over 250,000 leads 

I give you full permission, You can edit any of the crowd magnet ideas and tweak it for your product (there are about 5 of them) It works well to build your list on WhatsApp

Last time I gave it out the swipe file to only 2 people, one of them got over 240+ new contacts in 3 days, you also…

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of 'The Ultimate Profit Shelter' Today!

Bonus #3: 5 Step Magnetic Ad Formula + Audio Guide

'' 5 Step Magnet Ad Formula''

Worth: ₦9,997

This is not a course, it’s a formula

You follow 5 simple steps, slot in your words and you have an ad that converts simple 

You can use this to sell physical products, information products, services

You can choose to place it in video, text or audio format – I personally prefer video but text works just fine

This is the same formula I used to get webinar leads from Facebook as cheap as 120 Naira

It works, and you… 

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of 'The Ultimate Profit Shelter' Today!

What Else would You Need To Be Successful?

Bonus #4: thrive architect page builder

'Premium Drag And Drop Page Builder'

Worth : ₦207,900 ($297)

I had to force myself to release this

The premium version of this page builder sells for $97 per year (don’t believe me? you can confirm the price here )  to me it’s worth more than that

I’ve been designing webpages since 2018 as a result I have an arsenal of premium plugins

I also have private rights to sell them at any price if I wish

I know you need this, quite frankly you can’t use my templates without it

So as part of my extremely elegant offer, I’d also throw in the premium version of this amazing page builder for you

Yes, you…

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of 'The Ultimate Profit Shelter' Today!

Page Title

Total Value: ₦240,891


Page Title

...All For FREE When You Get Started With The Ultimate Profit Shelter Today

Page Title

There is also the fact that the templates included in the ultimate profit shelter saves up to 210,00 if you pay a professional designer and 9+ hours in cost if you try to do it on your own

Choose A Plan that Works For You

Ultimate Profit Shelter + 30 Minutes Sales Maximiser

Everything in the ultimate profit shelter PLUS A 30 minutes LIVE Coaching call,
You'd be sent a worksheet to pour out all your problems before our call and we solve them right on the call
$ 39
One Time Payment
  • List Item
Ultimate Profit Shelter + 30 Minutes Sales Maximiser
Here You Get Everything in the ultimate profit shelter PLUS A 30 minutes LIVE Coaching call, I will send you a worksheet to pour out all your problems before our call and I give you specific useable solutions to solve those problems before the end of our call
₦49,00024,900One Time Payment
  • Over 9 Pre-Made Templates

  • 4 Proven Facebook Advertising Scripts 

  • 5 Step Workbook On How To Attract Your Dream Buyers

  • Lead Magnet Templates

  • Lead Magnet Swipe File + Rapid Action Training On How To Use The Swipe File To Structure A High Converting Lead Magnet

Listen! You might have seen other products peddled around in the internet with a lot of bonuses and hyped up price to fool you thinking the product is valuable - only to buy then and discover the bonuses are long and boring or flat out useless

I know how you feel but

Don't make the mistake thinking this is one of them

Each bonus included here are hand picked intentionally to get you faster results when you use the ultimate profit shelter

Combined together, it covers what happens before they click and after the click

I could easily include them as upsells but I want you to have it all FREE

Just In Case Your'e Thinking There Is A Catch

Few weeks from putting this page up, something strange happened to me and I think this will explain everything perfectly – it might sound a little strange, but it’s true

I had some cash sitting in my account ready to purchase a MacBook (about half a million Naira)

I found a seller online, It was a good deal, good price and I was on my way to meet him in the car with my phone plugged in, when I looked down and discovered my battery was at 1%

To avoid any delay, I moved the money to my other phone which contained one of those virtual microfinance services

 I got to the guy’s place, was pleased with what I saw and when it was time to pay him… I made an attempt to send it over but..

The money disappeared!

I swear I was sure I clicked the damn ‘send button’, and my phone loaded a bit but the money was no longer there

No debit alert, nothing in his account, no even receipt of the transaction

I was pissed, I tried looking for a number to call… nothing – It was a bank with no physical location and no customer service number, how could I have been so naive? at this point my suspicion increased

I tried using chat button on the app and finally someone responded – she said it’ll take up to 3 business days

3 whole business days? 

Amazing… like any sane person, I decided to go online to see if anyone had faced this issue in the past, oh boy…

They were plenty. So much that I started doubting if I will ever get my funds again

I felt betrayed, I couldn’t wait so in the heat of the moment I decided to come up with a Plan B, an offer to make back every dime of that money even if it involved giving away most of my valuable products – almost free

Long story short, I got back the cash… didn’t need to go ahead with the promotion, but then I thought to myself, since your’e more than half way done and it’s not okay leaving things incomplete, why don’t you finish it?

Why not run the promotion and see what happens?

So that’s what brought you, that’s why your’e reading this page right now and you have a chance to take on this ridiculous offer

And the Best Part Is You Risk Absolutely Nothing

💪💪 yes! You are protected by my titanium strong, no risk money back guarantee''💪💪

Here Is How It Works

When you try this kit we both agree only 2 things can happen

1.  You log into your dashboard, download the templates, ad scripts, premium sales funnel builder  and follow simple instructions – you use it a bit and you find yourself falling in love with your new results, your’e no longer afraid of getting customers , your’e able to spit out campaigns in record time, grow your list and make at least 100% more profit from your business, in that case – I’m happy for you my friend, and I’ll be excited to get your testimonials

2. It turns out all this is absolute crap and it doesn’t work or maybe it’s not what you where expecting, and entire product doesn’t give you at least 100% more profit even after trying it out within 60 days 

In that case, which is very unlikely Here is what you should do 

Call my associate, 08032173590 (he’s real number)  and tell him you want a full refund, no long story, no arguments you’ll get back every penny and you can still keep everything, yes everything. for free 

 No hard feelings, we’ll simply part ways as friends 

Obviously that guarantee is beyond fair and a lot of people will ruin my business if this product does not do like I say it would 

So the real question is are you going to take action or are you going to keep making excuses 

Once Again Here Is everything Your'e Getting


ad Scripts

Rapid Action, Easy To Use sales Training Videos

P.S: I have to warn you this offer is very time sensitive and is going to expire, it’s not like I have limited copies where only 100 people are allowed to download like you’d see on some sites 

This is a digital product for God’s sake and they are unlimited copies available but I don’t want everyone and their mum to start using them, if not they will become less effective, their value will drop and I’ll have to create new ones – which requires a lot of work

So this offer along with the bonuses are not going to be available for you to purchase once the timer on this page hits zero, I’m tracking it with element or deadlines (it works great) and will redirect you to a new page telling you the offer has expired 

Even if you refresh your browser 10 times you will never see it again 

